Hyunjung Lim
South KoreaHyunjung Lim
Hyunjung Lim, born in 1980, majored in Literature from South Korea. Afterward, she studied Arts at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Lyon of France. She currently lives in Paris. Starting from her first exhibition, “Assemblage,” she continues to create diverse works of art including the installation, object arts and photography, mainly in Europe.
Artist Statement
Hyunjung Lim’s work restructures the objects or images that we could easily encounter in our daily lives in order to rediscover its principal meaning. Her style of art allows the audience to indirectly experience the duality or multi-dimensionality of objects through the fundamental aspect of its essence. Her work that embodies the disparate elements in familiarity, conveys the flexible paradigm of our lives.
The object interests me because it is a bodyexperience.It is an extremely ordinary and everyday experience, where ‘personal’ and‘archetypal’ experiences coexist. In the interaction of these experiences,objects, which function in multiple ways throughout different relationships,are continuously united, decoupled, repeated and reproduced.In this sense, the term ‘object’ does not simply refer to something tangible,but indicates an expansion of image, sound or virtual space, which is basedon our experience. My work is to capture the structures of various objects byanalyzing our actions and environment; and to achieve a reconstruction ofthose experiences by assembling deconstructed elements. Through thisreconstruction process, my work shows how many silhouettes exist in theessence of every object in our experience from various places and differenttime frames.Banality is a base that allows the coexistence of diverse experiences andarchetypal symbols. It is only relatively different from the particular.Small insignificant objects of our daily lives are closely linked to our reality.An object can represent our desire through endless associations or generateanother desire. It shows our thoughts and ideas as the notion of «meaningful object». Here, the general idea that human beings dominateand control objects is no longer in effect. The object force in a way canchange our lives. And this force generates desires that shape the practicalaspects of our lives. Conflicts between the ‘archetypal experience’ and‘personal experience’ play a central role in generating an ideology thatguides our lives. Thus, the various silhouettes of objects observed in myartwork represent the various ideologies of our social lives, hidden behindthe mask of an object. The reconstructed truth can be very diverse. Now, I’mtrying to induce every potential possibility through the object. Choosing yourown experience from this multiplicity will be the minimal difficulty you wouldencounter with my installations. Reproduce rather than create, recomposerather than transform.
2011 02-03 Hyunjung LIM, MAPRA (Maison arts plastiques Rhone-Alpes), Lyon, France
2013 12 Sympathie , Pont des arts Gallery, Paris, France
2013 11 Muptiple aretes , Emoa Space Gallery, New-york, USA
2013 01 Butterfly out of Eden , Fellini Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2012 05 Juste Avant 3, La Gelerie Michel Journiac, Paris, France
2011 12 Exposition Noel, L’ancien Musée de la peinture, Grenoble, France
2010 05 Gleeky Flow, SpaceKraft Pompadour ,Lyon, France
2005 09 Un incident de la vie quotidienne, Meongdong, Seoul, South Korea
2005 08 Un incident de la vie quotidienne, Insadong, Seoul, South Korea
2009 l 2011 DNSEP (option Art) at Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-arts de Lyon, France
2006 l 2009 DNAP with mention (option Art) at Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-arts de Lyon, France
1999 l 2005 Bachelor of Art in English literature at Dan-Kook University, Seoul